Thursday, May 12, 2016

It's Just a Season

This too shall pass. This is only a season. Nothing about your life now is how it is going to be forever. Though my circumstances may not change right now, tomorrow, or maybe not even next year, my outlook can. It can change right now. No matter the rut you feel you are stuck in, your heavenly Father is always there to pull you out. No matter what got you here, He will never leave or forsake you. 

Here is a picture of my earthly father assisting me down our rarely moist road to the river bottom where we had cows calving that needed checked. He has been an example of what a good father is quite often in my life, but I thought he was a prime example of our Daddy up in heaven right here. He wasn't pulling me through this mud because I had a plan or mission in mind, no. Here he was pulling me through the mud that I could not have made it through on my own that day because he had a mission for himself and for me. He had a plan, and he wanted me there to help his plan unfold. It's the same way with God. He doesn't need us but rather he wants us. He wants us there to help His plans unfold. He wants us to better His kingdom in ways He makes possible for us in our earthly bodies. But He doesn't want us to feel neglected or unwanted either. He wants us to feel needed and appreciated. But He also wants to be enough for you. He wants to know that you don't need anyone else, but that you want them. You want them in your lives to help fulfill His purpose in your time here on earth.

Sometimes we get impatient while waiting on God for His perfect timing. But sometimes God is actually the one waiting on us. Waiting on us to believe, to have faith. Waiting on us to stop being lazy about our quiet time with Him. Waiting for us to get our butts out of bed an hour before work to pray and dive into His Word.

Relax. God has the one for you. At some point in your life, someone will love you more than the expectations you have grown in the waiting. Be patient and learn to wait, because sometimes a patient person receives the best love story. Who better to receive the best love story than you?
Lord, help us believe. Help us be consistent in doing so. Help us consistently be in Your Word and in conversation with You, so that we may be ready when the enemy attacks us. Help us remember that when we believe, everything else will fall together. Help us remember that when we have faith, You will take care of the rest.

We need to change our outlook. We need to remember that He can move mountains on our behalf. He will bless us with the desires of our heart, according to His will, not our own. All we need to do is show Him how faithful we can be, even in the 'little' areas in our lives. He is waiting for you. God is waiting for us.

As in many events in my life, I turned to the scriptures (God's Word) to help me understand, to comprehend, and to help motivate me to keep living a life God wants for me. In this time, I look to Job. Why Job, you ask? Well, poor poor Job. God allowed Satan to directly attack Job. Job is a prime example of faithfulness as he loses all that matters to him, all that is important in his life, yet chooses to remain faithful to God. (Job 1:12) He loses his health, his wife tells him to curse God and commit suicide! But still Job remains faithful and strong. (Job 1:22). Later on his friends give him lots of bad advice. They blame his sufferings on his sins rather than God testing and growing Job. One of them was half right, saying that God wanted to humble him, but this was only a part of God's test.  Then on to the last chapters in Job. God speaks to Job. He restores him. He knows that Job received inaccurate counsel from his friends, 'Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?' (Job 38:2) God fittingly declares that humans do not know everything. Then He humbles Job by asking a series of questions that could never be answered by anyone other than the Almighty God Himself; 'Have you understood the expanse of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this.' (Job 38:18) God then brings him to an understanding that believers don't always know what God is doing in their lives. In the end, Job answers God by saying, “I have declared that which I did not understand.” (Job 42:3) God then blessed Job with twice as much as he had before his trials began.

Do I feel like I am being attacked in any way comparable to that which Job was attacked? No. But I do know that I find myself impatient with life. Knowing where I thought I would have been by the time I was 25, and knowing where I find myself now, just 12 days prior to that day, well I find myself dwelling on all the things that should have been, the things that could have been, and questioning the things that would have been... I see the devil try to slip his hand into the play book and send me doubting the One who gave me breath.

Sometimes I look at my past and wonder if I am single because of the steps I chose to get to where I am today. Sometimes I wonder if I had prayed harder and listened to God more, read His Word more, listened to my mentors more, if life would have led me a little differently. If I would be somewhere else, and by this time with someone else. If my roommate would be a husband to dote on instead of my sister. If my king-sized bed would be shared every night (ha! I work night shift, dream on self) with the love of my life, rather than the occasional niece, nephew, sister, sister in law, friend. If my shower would be cluttered with men's soap, my sink sprinkled with his facial hair, my bathroom door draped with 2 bath towels instead of 1, my closet shared with men's clothing. I wonder if maybe God just needs a break from me, maybe I have been asking too much, maybe I am too needy. Maybe if I stop praying for such things, God will just let him fall into my lap, figuratively.
 I think a lot of things, and then I remember my Pastor praying early one Sunday morning, that the single people in our church/community, that they too would be blessed. Lord I know that I am blessed, but I pray You would help me feel it. Help me know what You want of me while I wait for Mr. Forever. Help me know what You want me to do for You in the meantime. Help me continue to pray, with an open (though longing) heart, as I wait to be joined with the one You have in my future. Lord, with all my heart I believe You have not called me to be single forever. With all my heart, my absolute love for children, my longing for a man in my life, I know that you would not have these traits be a part of me, except to prepare me for being a wife and mother. Lord, with all my heart, I pray You would wrap your arms around me and complete me while I continue to try and find my Mr. Forever to compliment me.

Just like Job, on the other side of your big mess, there is a huge blessing. Whether your big mess is something you're waiting for, something you are stuck in the midst of, or even something you have done. Instead of doubting if God still cares about us and our desires, maybe we need to question if we still care about God. We must remember this is just a season, and this too shall pass.

O Lord ~ NF                                 Though You Slay Me ~ Shane & Shane

"We are not put on earth merely to satisfy our desires, to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
We are here to be changed, to be made more like God, in order to prepare us for a lifetime with him."
~ Philip Yancey
Patience not your best virtue? Check out this blog here, on waiting on God and His always perfect timing ---> 'Mom, I'm Hungry!'

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