You and I, we may be very alike, or very different, but NO MATTER who you are, we have one thing in common for sure, that is that--according to God, our creator--we are all sinners. He made us, and loves us far beyond what we can even begin to imagine and comprehend. But we, all of mankind, have a problem, which the Bible calls sin. Sin is anything that we do in disobedience to God's laws, and this disease has infected the souls of the entire human race, from birth to death, we all will have this one thing in common.
Within the Bible, which is the Word of God, lies the standards by which God says we should live. It says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." {Romans 3:23} It also states quite clearly that the penalty for us sinners is death {Romans 6:23}. The human race is under a death sentence because of sin, it is what we deserve, but because we have a loving and gracious God, He sent His Son, Jesus, from Heaven down here to this earth on a mission to save each and every one of us. This means you, because God does love you. No matter your past, all God cares about is your future, which He (and I) hope is spent in and with Him.
I am a sinner too. What my sins consist of, is not even a speck of dust cleaner than those of my neighbor, or yours, or anyone else's--they're just forgiven. Sin is sin is sin. No sin may look alike to the human eye, but my lie in God's eyes, is just as terrible as another man's murder. I found this picture as a good example, to us humans, some sins look bigger, and of different severities, but all God sees is sin. To Him, sin is sin. And it separates Him from His creation that He loves.
When I was a young child, I repented of my sins, and asked God to forgive me and save me. I asked Jesus to come into my life and take control. I live this life, happy and thankful, because I know that He forgave me of those sins, past, present, and future. I live today, knowing not what my future on earth holds, but from the future that lies beyond the second I take my last breath, that is guaranteed for me. I will be in heaven, in the glorious realm of my God.
I rest assured in this, because in the Bible it teaches us, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." How great is this promise?! I want you to know this today! That you too can be forgiven, cleansed, and set free from the power sin has held over you, by believing and trusting in Christ, as Savior and Lord. The Bible says that "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" {John 8:36}.
All it takes is you, wherever you are, to say a prayer, inviting Christ into your heart and life, asking Him, from your heart, to help you turn from sin. To believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for you, carried your sins to His deathbed, and was raised back to life on the third day, and reigns now in heaven with God the Father. And turn, turn towards the Bible, do as He says, strive to live a life pleasing to God from this day forward. Let the Holy Spirit come and dwell within you. And then go, tell your best friend, tell your neighbor, tell your mom, because this is news worthy of sharing, this is amazing news, and read your Bible! If you don't have one, one can be purchased at your local Walmart or dollar store for cheap, or just make a trip to a local church, as I am sure they would gladly give one to you as a "welcome to the family" gift!
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