Sunday, March 27, 2016

What is Wrong with Me?

When a boy doesn't respond back after your first date. When a boy doesn't text or call you back after you hung out one time. When you find out your husband has been looking at porn. When your husband cheats on you physically or emotionally. What do we as women do?

We may get upset, may get angry, may even cry about it, and then we stop and begin to wonder. We question and doubt ourselves and our adequacy.

We wonder a lot of things, but mostly, 'What is wrong with me, and what did I do wrong?'  What is wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not skinny enough?

We single ladies wonder all the above, and may also wonder: Was I too forward? Was I not forward enough? Does he think I am going to contact him first? Should I contact him first? Isn't the male supposed to plan the next date? Is that still the norm? We need to try and not get hung up on these questions, they can ruin a day, a week, even months if we let them. We must rest assured that God has a plan, and that He will reveal that plan and that man all in good time. 

I read an article, in fact, a couple of articles popped up with a similar message. I don't need a man to complete me, that is Jesus' job, I need a man to compliment me. Finding said man may take time, and some effort, but God has a plan and a purpose. No, I don't plan on hermit-ing in my house for years expecting God to bring my Mister Forever to my front door, to ring the bell, and drop to one knee saying God led him there. No, I don't think every Mister Right Now is 'The One.' But, what I have to keep reminding myself, is no matter what, God has a plan, and I need to keep my head up.

So, meanwhile in the waiting, I will keep praying, and I plan to keep this smile on my face, even while I struggle (mentally and emotionally) with dating and the single life. I plan to keep bringing joy to others with my quirkiness, and helping others out in any way I see necessary or am able.

Don’t get me wrong, a relationship with the right guy will someday prove to be a wonderful sweep-me-off-my-feet experience, well worth the effort and patience required to get there. But I know that if I'm looking for a guy to fill an empty spot in my heart, I'm asking for the impossible and will end up disappointed.

And you married folks dealing with porn addiction or cheating. No one quits anything alone, everyone who has a true addiction needs help, whether it just be you and God, or you, God, and your spouse, your Mom, a support group, a prayer/Bible study group, your church family. Whomever and whatever it takes, your spouse and your marriage are worth it, you decided that when you said 'I do.' So don't give up or give in now, keep fighting, keep your marriage bed holy, your marriage will be stronger after facing and battling through this. Take note of the warning signs of what led you to where you are today, hindsight is almost always 20-20, and now you know what big or little things you did, saw, or feelings you acted upon that led you to that low point, avoid those. Take the high road every time, you will never regret it. Maybe busying yourself and your mind with your spouse, your children, your tasks, your God will help.  Read your Bible; I find the more I dwell in His Word, the more I think on Him and the more I pray. Use Him to occupy your free time, rather than letting your mind wander, yield yourself to Christ rather than that porn site or that relationship that went too far with someone other than your spouse.

The struggle is real, always will be. So is God, and He ALWAYS will be. I find that when I pray, even when I may not be getting the answers I think I need in the timeframe I think I need them, just simply talking to God still helps lower my stress levels and anxiety. So chat it up with Him y'all! He wants to hear from you! I will never have all the answers to all of life's dilemmas, but I rest assured in knowing my God does! 

Here is a perfect song for those of us struggling to find completion without and/or before we find our significant other:  Completely- by Among the Thirsty

Thursday, March 24, 2016

100 Miles and a little ADD

My older brother asked me the other day, "Do you just like to drive?"

The answer is, yes. For a couple reasons, some silly, some 'odd,' all honest.

I actually enjoy the road, I enjoy being behind the wheel, I enjoy being in control of the vehicle I am riding in (always would much rather be the driver than the passenger, I don't care how much older than me you are, but if you're reading this Mister Forever, I promise to let you drive sometimes...), I enjoy listening to music, I enjoy dancing, I enjoy my SUV. I like to drive. In 15 months, I put a little over 40,000 miles on my car. So yeah, you could say I like to drive.

Many people think I am weird for preferring to travel alone. But I love it, I love being alone, just me and God. Me and my mess of thoughts. If you think having a conversation with me is rough, the ADD amongst my thoughts is much worse than my verbal ADD. I find encouragement in knowing that no matter what, God gets me. He made me this way, thus, He has to get me. No matter the mess going on in my life, no matter the mess I have let my heart get into, or trouble I got my mind into, He is there, and He always gets me. I never know what I will find along the way from one location to my next destination, but usually it is an adventure. (Also, sometimes a smidgen of road rage, usually worse when I am alone, because I do try to spare my passengers of my full-blown road rage bouts.) But an adventure nonetheless, always an adventure.

Yes, I drive 100 miles to see my best friend for 20 minutes. (This has happened a couple times in fact, and I don't regret it, not even once.) Yes, I would do that every day for 100 days if I needed to and/or if they needed me to. Yes, I would drop what I could to be by your side in your time of need. No, I am not the world's greatest friend at all times, but I hope to be so when you need me to be. Sometimes I am busy, I work many hours, but I do have a huge heart. I weep when you are sad, my heart breaks for your loss and your hard times, and I care. I would drive 100 miles, just to hug you, even if just for a minute. I love, a lot!  So yes, I will do what I can do be there for you when you should need me.

His question arose when I was home one weekend, I came home late late late Saturday morning (4:30am), after heading to my Momma's after getting out of a concert in Wichita around 11:30pm. (Wichita ---> Momma's house = 4 hours 15 minutes + stop in Hays at Wally World for about an hour = home to Momma's at 0430.) Woke around 7:30am, to my Pops making train sounds, (still unsure why this occurred, but apparently he found himself amusing, because this continued for a good 3 minutes). Rolled over on the couch to catch some more zzz's after Dad left the house, then got up about 8am. Hung out with my sisters, Momma, brothers, and nephews the rest of the day, then got ready to leave late that night, with my sister-roomie, at which time my brother asks, "Are you coming to Eli's birthday party?" "Yes, I will be back tomorrow after church." "Do you just like to drive?" "Yes, I do."

(Birthday boy and I!)

This particular Sunday was potluck Sunday, always a treat at any Baptist church, we know how to potluck. It was our month to serve and clean-up, and I had already volunteered to several members that I intended to be there. I love my church family, I have bragged on them time and time again to people who have not attended, because they are so great. We are going through some big changes, and I do not want to miss a single Sunday if I can help it. I want to spend as much time with people I love there that will be leaving before I know it. I want to be there to love on them while I still have time to do so. Church was great, as always, and I was able to love good on some good people.

Life is short, so remember,


Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life. -Unknown


With every moment that passes, you have already lost the last; make the most of each that you have.

After church that Sunday, we cleaned up after the potluck, I then headed home to change, and hit the road for Momma's house again, and loved every second of the trip, both ways, alone. 100 miles.  

Check out this lyric video to Abandon Kansas' song 'Chariot'
here! :)