Monday, February 22, 2016

To the Friend I Never got to Say Goodbye To


I don't know what to write to you, because my heart is still broken.  I know that I loved you then, and I love you now. I can tell you that when I left my job in Hays, you were my favorite CNA to work alongside with, always there to help, always there to make me laugh when we had been having a long shift. Always there, way behind on charting just like me because we had been so busy, and willing to entertain me and make me laugh in an empty patient room while we stayed after our shift to catch up on that charting, which probably made the catching up on charting actually take much longer, but if you asked me then, I didn't care. If you ask me now, I will tell you I would go back and waste much more time with you if I could.

If you asked a patient, any patient you ever cared for, they would say you were a kindhearted gentleman, who did your best to make their stay enjoyable and as short as possible. And as much as I enjoyed working with you, I loved our time spent together outside of work even more. Our late afternoon walks, hours of playing basketball, swinging in the park, driving around.

You were never one to complain, which is probably why no one suspected anything like the outcome that came about after you went missing. You sure knew how to listen though, and I appreciated that, thank you. In fact, I find myself talking to you still sometimes. I wish your family would have left your Facebook profile up, it was just a little thing, and maybe it was too painful for them to see you in what we consider a big part of our lives now, on our technology that we let distract us from each other and the people and things that really matter, but I enjoyed being able to scroll through pictures of you, pictures of you doing things you loved with people you loved.

But you never let those distractions get in the way when we were together. You gave me all your attention, and I enjoyed it, I hope I returned the respect. You mom convinced herself that you were going to be found, you were going to open a random door for a random elderly lady, who was going to look up to your face to thank you, and recognize you, because you were that kind of person.

Your sisters, 16 and 14 at the time. I remember you always talking about them and how you being their brother, also tried to fill the role of being their father, because you had been raised without one most of your life, and didn't want them to have to go through that as well. And though I know they only saw you as their brother, they did nothing less than respect you and appreciate the time you made them priority in your life. As much as my heart is broken, I know they, at their young and vulnerable age, also have questions and doubts, and wish they could have done or said something to help. No child should have to bury their brother, I have been there and done that, but the circumstances were quite different.

I remember texting you the day before you went missing, our last conversation. I had been gone from Hays for months by this time, the times I had returned, whether for family obligation or to grab more stuff from my storage unit, it never worked out for us to get together. I wish I could say it was all your fault, but it was both of us, our schedules that we used to force to coincide, no longer did. I spent most of my days over a hundred miles away, but it felt like an eternity away.
The day before you took off in your uncle's vehicle. The day before you went and bought a gun and ammo. The day before you decided life wasn't worth living anymore. The day before I prayed for you for hours (or rather, days). The day before the end of your known life. I don't know what day you actually shot yourself, you were missing for 10. I don't know the thoughts going through your mind, but I can imagine utter and complete darkness and despair. I miss you. I remember the moment I found out. And oddly enough, I drove to the closest cemetery, and just wept. Sat there, on that chilly fall night, and just cried to God. The questions reeling through me, with answers to never be known. I went through all the stages of grief, but I definitely started out befuddled, with overwhelming questions, and then anger.

Anger at you, for not letting me in. Anger at you for not telling me what was really going on in your life and in your head. Anger at you for acting like everything was normal and fine, and asking me all about my life instead of answering my questions to you about yours with an honest heart. If you had told me, I would have come back to Hays the first day I had off, maybe even before. I would have listened, I wouldn't have judged, with you and I it was never about that. We accepted each other with all our imperfections.

I remember being so angry that everyone around me could just go on living, and expected me to do the same, even though I had just lost a best friend. Angry at God, because no one should ever have to go through this, not you, not I. Angry at Him because He didn't step in, because He let you buy that gun, because He let you drive to a field in the middle of no where where no one would find you soon enough to talk you out of killing yourself. I have never even contemplated taking the easy way out like you did, but I could never even if I wanted to.

I will forever wish I knew sooner how you were feeling. I can't even remember the last time I saw you for sure, but I remember every bit of our last conversation, because after I found out you were missing, I read it over and over again. And then after losing you, that was all I had of you. All that time we spent together and we don't even have a picture together. But Jacob, your face will never leave me. I will never forget your hugs, your voice, your always hilarious snaps.

I could never kill myself, because I know that my family members expect me in their lives. I am important to them, as were you to me. My father needs to walk me down the aisle, my mother needs to hold my hand while I am laboring my first child into this world. My God needs me to stay on this earth until He decides my time is done, His plan for me complete. 

11 days.

The number of days from the last time I talked to you to the day your body was found in a pasture with self-inflicted GSW. 10 days, the number of days you were missing.  1 day, the amount of time it took for you to go from telling me we were going to hang out when I came to Hays 24 days later, to deciding life was not worth it anymore. 9 days, the amount of time from your last credit card charge, until your family's hopes were raised with news you had been found, then crushed while being informed of the lifeless state your body was in when located under a tree near a pond.

The only thing that kept me going after hearing about your body being found, was remembering the times we talked about God, and my resting assured that you knew my Savior, and had asked Him into your heart, hope that those talks were genuine and honest. And though you didn't always walk the walk or talk the talk, none of us always do, and I believe that someday I may run into you beyond those pearly gates.

If I could have said goodbye, I wouldn't have. I would never have granted your wish to let you do this and never see you again. I wouldn't have let you ask your uncle to borrow his car and a couple bucks. I wouldn't have let you go to that pawn shop for a gun, and then purchase some ammo. No. I would not have said goodbye. I would have told you I loved you, I would have told you our friendship meant the world to me. I would have told you no matter what was going on, this is not the best answer. I would have told you to let me in, let me in your heart, let me in your mind, let me care for you like you have so tenderly cared for everyone else around you. I would have told you that you matter. I would have told you how dark this world would be without the light you provided. I would have told you I needed you. I would have told you not to do it. I would have told you God never wanted your life to end this way. I would have told you I didn't want to walk this earth knowing you no longer shared it with me. I would have told you I didn't want to hurt, I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to permanently miss you. I wanted to be able to come back and have the missing of you resolved with a hang out sesh in Hays. I would have told you that I love you, best friend, and your life matters.

I miss you more than a fat kid at fat camp misses cake,


What I Know-Tricia Brock watch the Youtube video here! I love this song, amongst all the questions that never feel answered, this I am sure of. You my God are real. <3

Monday, February 1, 2016

Questions I Have

'He will send you a soul mate you won't have to chase after.' -Adam Cappa

So, where do I draw the line, and how fine should it be? Where am I pushing too much or expecting too much (from Him and/or the potential Mr. Forever)? Can I fall in love with someone who is not a Christian? Can I control who I fall in love with? If I fall in love with someone who does not love my God as I do, is that a sin? Is my desire to share my faith with him, in hopes of planting a seed for the Spirit to tend to and hopefully bloom in his heart, so that we can live happily ever after such a bad thing? How will I know?

What if God has shown me the 'one' He has for me at this point in my life and I didn't give that person the time of day? What now? Is there another? Am I to believe there is just one 'soul mate' for everyone? 7.3 billion people on Earth and God has set only one aside for me? 159 million men in America, and I am to believe God has set aside just one for me? I only need one, but who's to say that only one exists? Only one person on earth is meant to catch my eye, steal my heart, and worship my God with me?

Is there something wrong with me? Is there a reason Mr. Forever may not be in my life yet? Is there a reason my ring finger and the other side of the bed are still vacant? What is God's plan with me? Am I where I am supposed to be? If God is all I need, then why do I yearn for a man in my life? Does that mean I am making God smaller, less important? How much work should I be putting into this search for my Mr. Forever? God calls some people to be single, is that my calling? If yes, then why does not a day go by that I don't wish Mr. Forever was here?

How content am I supposed to be, where is the line? Am I where I am today because of past mistakes? Did I mess up something that was meant to blossom into something beautiful years ago? What do I do with these unexpected single years? Why has life not panned out like I mapped out in my mind in 7th grade?

God has given me these single years for a reason, there is a purpose, but how will I know that this purpose has been fulfilled? How do I keep myself from squandering them away while I wait for Mr. Forever?

 I wish God would text me a picture, and be like,
'Rach, this guy right here. His heart is solid, his intentions well, and he is the man I intend for you to spend the rest of your life on earth with. {Insert time and date of first interaction with said man}  #worshippartner #areyouready #youarewelcome #lookathim #ainthenice  #prayerpartner #keepmefirst #praytogethersticktogether #marriagevowsareforevervows'

***Because of course, if God texted He would totally hashtag! #likeaboss #TheBoss

Needless to say, this girl needs some soul-feeding time with her King while she waits for her prince. He is the only one with the ability to answer my questions.

Mmm. Jamie Grace nails it on the head in her song 'The Waiting' check it out here!


Facing the Inevitable

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. Just be patient, focus, and keep aiming. If we fully believe and trust in Him and His abilities (which are limitless), then no matter what lies ahead of us, no matter the struggle we may face tomorrow, no matter the loss we may experience next week, no matter what, God is already there. God has seen, He knows what you have been through, and what you will go through, in the next moment, in the next month, in the next year. He knows! He also knows just how much you can handle, and when you think He is giving you more than what you believe you yourself can handle, know that that is Him calling you to draw near to Him and seek His assistance. I think it is His way of showing you that you need Him; that this life is not mastered or conquered successfully without His help. 

Hard times are inevitable. Satan is out to attack us, sometimes at full force. So avoiding him and these struggles is impossible, all we can control is how we react to the situations and struggles we find ourselves in. All we can do is prepare for the battle, and use our training when we find ourselves amidst the fight. Everything we have comes from the Lord. Our very existence is from the Lord. Our bodies, our homes, our lives, our jobs, our money, all from the Lord. So why not use every cell in our body for His purpose, to fight battles for Him, and to share the gospel and armor of God with others, so they too can suit up and battle with us against the enemy?

Check out this link for some music to get you motivated for the fight! 'Keep Fighting the Good Fight' by Unspoken (Lyric video) watch it here!