So, where do I draw the line, and how fine should it be? Where am I pushing too much or expecting too much (from Him and/or the potential Mr. Forever)? Can I fall in love with someone who is not a Christian? Can I control who I fall in love with? If I fall in love with someone who does not love my God as I do, is that a sin? Is my desire to share my faith with him, in hopes of planting a seed for the Spirit to tend to and hopefully bloom in his heart, so that we can live happily ever after such a bad thing? How will I know?
What if God has shown me the 'one' He has for me at this point in my life and I didn't give that person the time of day? What now? Is there another? Am I to believe there is just one 'soul mate' for everyone? 7.3 billion people on Earth and God has set only one aside for me? 159 million men in America, and I am to believe God has set aside just one for me? I only need one, but who's to say that only one exists? Only one person on earth is meant to catch my eye, steal my heart, and worship my God with me?
Is there something wrong with me? Is there a reason Mr. Forever may not be in my life yet? Is there a reason my ring finger and the other side of the bed are still vacant? What is God's plan with me? Am I where I am supposed to be? If God is all I need, then why do I yearn for a man in my life? Does that mean I am making God smaller, less important? How much work should I be putting into this search for my Mr. Forever? God calls some people to be single, is that my calling? If yes, then why does not a day go by that I don't wish Mr. Forever was here?
How content am I supposed to be, where is the line? Am I where I am today because of past mistakes? Did I mess up something that was meant to blossom into something beautiful years ago? What do I do with these unexpected single years? Why has life not panned out like I mapped out in my mind in 7th grade?
God has given me these single years for a reason, there is a purpose, but how will I know that this purpose has been fulfilled? How do I keep myself from squandering them away while I wait for Mr. Forever?
I wish God would text me a picture, and be like,
'Rach, this guy right here. His heart is solid, his intentions well, and he is the man I intend for you to spend the rest of your life on earth with. {Insert time and date of first interaction with said man} #worshippartner #areyouready #youarewelcome #lookathim #ainthenice #prayerpartner #keepmefirst #praytogethersticktogether #marriagevowsareforevervows'
***Because of course, if God texted He would totally hashtag! #likeaboss #TheBoss
Needless to say, this girl needs some soul-feeding time with her King while she waits for her prince. He is the only one with the ability to answer my questions.
Mmm. Jamie Grace nails it on the head in her song 'The Waiting' check it out here!
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