An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. Just be patient, focus, and keep aiming. If we fully believe and trust in Him and His abilities (which are limitless), then no matter what lies ahead of us, no matter the struggle we may face tomorrow, no matter the loss we may experience next week, no matter what, God is already there. God has seen, He knows what you have been through, and what you will go through, in the next moment, in the next month, in the next year. He knows! He also knows just how much you can handle, and when you think He is giving you more than what you believe you yourself can handle, know that that is Him calling you to draw near to Him and seek His assistance. I think it is His way of showing you that you need Him; that this life is not mastered or conquered successfully without His help.
Hard times are inevitable. Satan is out to attack us, sometimes at full force. So avoiding him and these struggles is impossible, all we can control is how we react to the situations and struggles we find ourselves in. All we can do is prepare for the battle, and use our training when we find ourselves amidst the fight. Everything we have comes from the Lord. Our very existence is from the Lord. Our bodies, our homes, our lives, our jobs, our money, all from the Lord. So why not use every cell in our body for His purpose, to fight battles for Him, and to share the gospel and armor of God with others, so they too can suit up and battle with us against the enemy?
Check out this link for some music to get you motivated for the fight! 'Keep Fighting the Good Fight' by Unspoken (Lyric video) watch it here!
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