We are all a little weird and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~Dr. Suess
I'm single because I choose to be, I'm single because I'm waiting. I'm single because I'm choosing to wait. ~Jamie Grace I think I would add to that factual and bold statement, that I am single, because I am waiting for God to fulfill His promises to me, in His time.
"Blessed is she who has believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her." ~Luke 1:45
Not a day goes by that I don't pray for my future Mister. I believe with fervent prayer for my future Mister, our marriage and our relationship will be that much more blessed.
Hebrews 13:5 "Let your conversations be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." I pray each day, that I will not covet that which He has not planned for me to have in my life, that I will seek to cherish any and all relationships, from this point on, friendships and dating alike. That I will be patient and seek His will with each and every person that I come into contact with.
I Corinthians 10:13 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." This brings me much encouragement, for I know that temptation will forever be there, God says it is so, and I see it all the time, all around me, but Praise Him for He makes it bearable, He gives us the ability to withstand it, with Him by our side all things are possible. I pray that I and my future Mister are able to stand by each other and help each other along with God's assistance in withstanding any temptations that come our way and fighting off the devil's attempts at making our relationship falter and stray from God.
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble." I seek diligently to trust in God when trouble seems to be seeking me out. When obstacles make themselves very known in this walk with Him, when I feel that I will be single for the rest of time, when the doubts arise, when I am insecure. I remember this, that He is there, He is capable of all things, and He loves me.
1 Peter 3:7 "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." I do not want to be able to say that I am the reason my husband is unhappy. I want my heart and spiritual walk to be so prepared for marriage, that we are constantly helping each other improve and be closer with Him, receiving His grace together, and acknowledging and appreciating it.
Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." I know that in every relationship strife is inevitable. Fights will happen, we are not the exact same person, we won't think exactly alike about everything that comes up in our lives. We will argue, we will give each other the silent treatment, we will possibly even go so far as to be angry at each other. BUT God will still be there, and we will still need to fulfill His will, and I will not let us go to bed on our anger, I pray that He will teach us and guide us to try and talk it out and cut the fuel source that is keeping the anger burning.
Ephesians 5:25, 28 "25-Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it. 28-So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself." I can't wait for the day that someone will love me as much as they love themselves, the day I can say that I love someone else more than I love myself, and mean it. Help me Lord be patient for this day. I know that You have a plan for me, You know the very second I will come into contact with my Mister, the date he will propose, the second we will say our "I do's" the first place we will call home, the children You will let me bare for him to raise in Your name, Your will.
Matthew 5:28 (Jesus speaking) "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." This verse hits me like a brick wall every time I read it. The same goes for me as it does my future husband. When I look on a man to lust after him, I too am committing adultery with him in my heart. I pray that I will keep my eyes pure, my heart clean, and my intentions virtuous as I wait for my Mister.
Ecclesiastes 9:9 "Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity; for that is thy portion in this life, and in they labor which thou takest under the sun." I love joy. I love smiling, and I love being happy. I love know that all these things are from the Lord Himself. It is a dream of mine to share this joy with my Mister day in and day out.
In Hebrews 11:6 God says "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." With praying and reading His Word daily, I attempt to fulfill the role of a diligent seeker of Him. I want to know Him, I want to be able to show Him to those around me, and I want to be able to be who He wants me to be with my future Mister.
Joseph waited 13 years. Abraham was 100 when he became a dad. Moses wandered for 40 years. Job suffered for many years. David waited 20 years to be king. Jesus waited for 30 years. If God is making you wait, you are in great company. How encouraging, reading in His Word about the struggles and battles, about the patience that some of His greatest men went had. Makes the wait that much more worth it, knowing that at the end of this wait, I will be with my second true love? Totally worth it. The trials and tribulations, heart breaks, set backs (or so I thought), and faith-testing moments, will all fade away, and the one my Father has chosen for me will sit beside me, and help me grow in Christ, and be the woman that He intends for me to be for my Mister.
"If someone doesn't have a relationship with God, don't expect them to help your walk with Him. Instead of trying to date them into Heaven, point them to Jesus. If you want to grow spiritually, find someone on fire for God to connect to. Too many Christians connect to lukewarm believers trying to date them rather than guiding them back to the right track. You can be unequally yoked in church. Not everyone in church is after God so be careful of who you're chasing after."
I see this happen, this is why divorce happens, this is why some marriages are unhappy and seem to be barreling down the tracks to despair and turmoil from the get-go. There can be two people, saved by the blood of Christ, but with differing beliefs. How can you imagine that this will not cause problems down the road, for instance, when you have children. Which beliefs do you choose to raise them in, maybe you will opt out of choosing, maybe you teach them both, what happens when this child grows and matures and raises questions on what is true and what is not, which beliefs are the correct one, can we say confusion much? This could be very detrimental to that child's spiritual development. This is not God's plan for us when raising our children in Him. I know and pray that my Mister and I are knowingly equally yoked before even contemplating dating, let alone marriage.
God desires for me, the way I desire to be a Godly woman to my husband. "Whom have I in Heaven but you and there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." Psalm 73:25 With all my heart I wish that my future Mister had my hand already, but I also know with all my heart, that God has a reason, a purpose for having me wait. A reason for what I see as His "peculiar" timing.
My body is a temple. I Corinthians 6:18-20 "Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefor glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. " God sent His only Son, to be beaten, laughed at, cursed at, and put to death, for ME. For the unworthy, the meek. He let His Son pay the ultimate price...for me, for you. How then can we not maintain His commandments, His desires and will for our lives. He states that marriage is for one man and one woman, and that we are to abstain from any sexual activities until we are bound in marriage to our spouse, both before God and man.
"I keep my eyes on the Lord, with Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken" Psalm 16:8
Maintaining my sight on the Lord, and His Word, will help me walk the walk and talk the talk while I am waiting for Him to send my Mister my way, and give me the ability to do so after.
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on such things. Philippians 4:8
Sometimes in life it is a constant struggle for me to be patient, to be kind, to show love to those whom I feel don't deserve it, lest from me?! But then God reminds me, I have no right to judge, He is the only Judge who's opinion even ever has mattered. I am here to help others come to and grow in Christ and that is it. I am here to better His kingdom, to please Him.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set and example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Sometimes I feel as though people laugh at me, whether physically, or mentally, when I tell them I am a virgin. I hold this verse strong, true, and dear to my heart. I try to live it out as often as possible. I see no healthy purpose at all in giving myself away to someone whom I am unsure if I will marry or not, and I will never know for sure that I will marry him, until we are married. Thus, I am saving myself for marriage. Let them laugh, let them criticize, I know I am fulfilling God's will for me and my future Mister.
"You own the skies and still you want my heart"~Hillsong United song entitled "Up in Arms"
God is love, He wants to best for me, He wants the best for all of His children, just like any good and faithful Father should. He is able to do all things, He cares for millions of people, yet He still shows concern for all the little things in my life, all the things that I make big, all the things that I don't think about, all the things that go unnoticed and unappreciated, He has made all these things possible, how could I not sit here and trust that something as important as a future spouse to spend the rest of my life here on Earth with would not be in His hands, under His control?
Godly woman: When sadness comes, she takes time to smile. When tired, she finds time to relax and rest. When she's angry, she takes time to cool down. She reads and meditates the Bible at all times. Above all these she always prays. Prayer is her priority and her priority is her shield.
Wives: God already knows that your husband is not a perfect man. That is why God made in you "a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18. Therefor a virtuous woman does not waste time criticizing her man's flaws, faults, and weakness. A virtuous wife knows that her first divine responsibility is being "a suitable helper" for her man. The reason you don't find it hard to see your husband's faults is because God designed you to help your husband become a better man. If your husband was perfect he wouldn't need "a suitable helper." Every man has the potential for greatness; but it takes a virtuous wife to nurture and develop him into greatness. Therefor stop complaining and get to work. Pray, encourage, and build your man up. Behind every successful man is a virtuous wife who understands that it is her responsibility to help her husband become the man God desires him to be. ~Isaac Kubvoruno
It is my prayer, that I will stand by my Mister, helping him draw closer to God, and then closer to me. God should always be the focal point, the center of our relationship, at any and every stage. For I am not perfect, how therefor can I expect my future spouse to be? Sometimes we nitpick and grab straws at the faults of others to build ourselves up, only to find it does just the opposite, for then we feel bad for being so rude and heartless. Lord prepare me to be the water to his cement, to help make him a strong and Godly man who stands by You and Your Word.
What is a Godly man?
A Godly man is Christ-like. He is strong spiritually, not just physically. He is dedicated to his faith and to his family, all else comes second. A Godly man loves the Word of God and has a natural new born desire to spend time reading the Word and growing in his faith. He intentionally guards what he reads, sees, and hears. These are the attractive strengths that a woman of God desires. That I desire. These and many more. I should not have to break down every conversation to decide if this man is of God or not, if he is seeking after God's heart first, seeking to please Him. If this is a true man of God, it will be evident in his every action, every word that comes out of his mouth, the way he treats the children around him, the elderly, his peers. The way he carries himself, with dignity and strength, all these things should be visible at any point in time.
What God is bringing you through at this very moment is going to be the testimony that will bring somebody else through. No mess, no message. ~Unknown
God always has a will, and where there's a will there's a way. God's way is best, the only way to know God's way and will is to pray, and read His Word, and seek out His will for me.
It's funny how someone who was just a stranger last year, can mean so much to you now. It's terrible that someone who meant so much to you last year can be a stranger now. It's amazing what a year can do. ~Unknown
When I read this, I don't dwell on the fact that people that were a very big part of my life last year are now not, we all grow, change, relocate, and drift our own ways. Instead, I dwell on the fact, that tomorrow, I may meet my mister. Tomorrow I may gain 10 friends. Tomorrow is all under control. So I need not worry about my Mister today, because God has a plan, and I trust Him to let it be known to me when He knows the timing is right.
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
God wants someone for us that will make us better. Someone who will help us grow closer to Him, someone who will equally want to be closer to Him. Someone who is after His own heart before ours. Someone who will make each day more worth living, someone who will dwell on His Word, and live it out in their lives.
At the end of the day, no man or woman can satisfy your soul. A Christ-centered relationship is worth the wait. Someone who will love you unconditionally, listen when you're frustrated, be committed but still remind you that only God can complete you. Point them to Christ, their walk with God should be your biggest concern. ~Tovares Grey
Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now I laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding myself that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I chose to believe in God, and in His perfect timing.
When you love something, you don't threaten it. You don't punish it. You fight for it. You take care of it. You put it first. ~Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Sometimes I look and perceive marriages as happy and perfect, and then I get to know the couple, and I can tell that one or the other and sometimes both go unappreciated. That is not what I want my marriage to be like, I want my Mister to feel appreciated and cared for, loved and honored, held and comforted.
Even though sometimes the battle appears long, and the wait seems torturous, I will wait. While I am waiting, I will serve Him, I will pray, I will dwell on His Word, I will gather with His people, I will praise Him, I will be witness for Him and an example of His love towards others.
what if I told you God wanted to give you a man? A man that is already mature and though he may not be perfect, he has a plan. What if that boy you're entertaining is wasting your time? God wants to give you a man that can lead you, not one you have to raise. God didn't call you to be his second mother. If he doesn't have a sense of direction, don't let him lead you in circles. Encouraging sin rather than pushing you closer to God. Ladies, God is developing a man for you. Don't jump the gun, you might end up with a joker disguised as a blessing. It may get tiring and frustrating, but wait on God. ~Tovares Grey
I, on my own, am weak. I am just a girl looking for her Mister. I am just a child in an adult body. I am unworthy of love, I am undeserving of any and everything. But with God, He makes me worthy, He deems me worthy. He helps me be strong, He helps me feel secure and strong within His will and His ways.
"Blessed is she who has believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her." ~Luke 1:45
"She is Clothed with Strength and dignity, and she Laughs Without Fear of The future." ~Proverbs 31:25
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